
Saturday, 1 March 2014

Treating Yourself Is Good For You And Not So Bad For Your Bank Balance!

After working hard all month, we all deserve to have a treat. Although it can be difficult to really splash out, research, and studies show that if all we do is work and pay bills, we will quickly become exhausted and sometimes even depressed. Giving yourself a treat is definitely good for your health!

However, it does not need to cost a lot of money. Taking a long walk with a loved one is as much of a treat as a meal out in an expensive restaurant. Thinking of exciting and indulgent treats, without having to resort to always buying something, can be an invigorating and fun experience.

A candle lit bubble bath won’t cost anything but will leave you feeling rejuvenated and wonderful, whether you are male or female. After a hard week, a long soak in a hot bath listening to relaxing music of your choice and just lying back, will ease sore muscles and melt stresses away.

A cosy dinner in front of the TV watching a brilliant movie is another way to have the night off and make the normal routine slightly different. Or you could switch the TV off for a change and read a good book. The quiet tranquillity of enjoying a good book can be hugely beneficial to us. Statistics show that the majority of us spend over 60% of our time looking at a screen whether it is a computer screen, phone, mobile device or television. Give your brain and eyes a rest with a book instead.

How often do you have a proper lazy day? It is not always easy with a young family and varying work commitments. However, if you can, choose a day to spend really relaxing. No housework, no work, nothing but sleeping and relaxing. You can go for a walk, potter in the garden, visit a friend or just spend time on a hobby. These things are so good for us, mentally and physically, and they are much better methods of relaxing and getting away from the tresses of life than heading to the shops and engaging in a huge, expensive spending spree.


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