Pay Day Loans

Payday loan is a small loan that can be taken out for a limited term.

What Is A Direct Payday Loan

A direct Payday loan comes directly from the provider of the money, rather than from a financial broker.

What Are Advance Payday Loans

An advance Payday loan is the advance of a limited sum from your next pay.

Tips To Find Advance Payday Lenders

Advance UK Payday Loan lenders are advertised in local and national newspapers, magazines, on television, the radio and the internet.

How To Find Leading Payday Loan Companies

Payday loan companies not brokers such as us advertise on billboards, in magazines and newspapers, direct mail, but primarily on the internet.


Thursday, 27 March 2014

Online shoppers are saving a fortune

Millions of shoppers are turning to EBay to source products at cheaper prices. This is the consumer behaviour a recent consumer survey has revealed. For many families, EBay represents an opportunity to buy the items they need at a much lower price. And all sorts of items are being bought in this way.

If you want to save some money it is always worth looking online. There are a number of leading online retailers offering major brands and popular household items and fashions at much cheaper prices than retailers on the high street.

There are even some high street retailers selling the same goods online for less than they are in the shop! It pays to get online and shop around.

Be careful when you are buying online. Make sure you are buying from a reputable supplier. Ensure that you are buying genuine products and not fakes or counterfeits. Be very careful about ordering extremely high value items unless you are certain of the source and quality if the goods. There are still times when walking into a shop is better so be careful and take your time. Rushing in to a purchase online can result in disappointment and wasted money.

Also take into account any delivery charges. Many of the larger online retailers like Tesco, Asda, Amazon, and EBay offer free delivery on a large number of goods. However, other well-known companies charge for delivery and this can significantly change the price of an item.

Money is still tight these days and we all need to do what we can to save money. By taking your time and shopping around you will find the bargains, and avoid impulse buys. It’s a great way to get your shopping done for much less and still be able to buy the things you want and need.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Are you throwing money in the bin every day?

A recent report in a leading British newspaper reported that the average family is throwing away £60 worth of food per week!

Are you throwing up to three crisp twenty pound notes in the bin every week?

Here are some tips to cut down on wasting food and save money while you do it.

Bulk buying – this was highlighted as the number one reason for waste. People are tempted to buy large quantities of produce that has been sold as offers. Multi-buy options create the habit of buying far more than we need, or can eat. The result is wasted food, and money, straight into the bin.

Huge choice – Did you know that the average family will have over four different cereals stored at home? And often they are thrown out before the boxes are empty. The same is true for frozen ready meals, biscuits, and other packaged dried goods. People will store things in their cupboards and forget about them, then throw them out if they feel they are ‘too old’. Research shows people are throwing food away that has not spoiled and is perfectly safe to eat. We have developed into a throwaway society and moved away from the more fugal shopping and eating habits of the post-war era.

Sell by dates – You should never buy a product that is past its sell by date. However, a sell by date is very different to a use by date. Consumer surveys show that the majority of people to not distinguish between the two, and the results are that perfectly good, fresh food is being thrown away! Check your use by dates before you throw food out.

Would you rip up £60 and throw it into the bin each week? By buying only what you need, and paying attention to how you store and prepare your food, you can make it go much further and cut down on waste completely. And you will save money too.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Keep an eye out for holiday special offers and last minute deals

Last minute deals and special offers for package holidays are a great way to enjoy the sun this summer, without having to pay high prices. And the last minute deals are not always so last minute. Today, after a simple search online, the results revealed deals available for holidays in May and June.

It is worth remembering that as soon as a hotel or holiday resort can see that it needs to boost bookings or if certain weeks need to be filled, they will offer these places at discounted prices. That’s why there are deals to be found every single day, throughout the year. And it works for hotels and flights too. So if you are organising your own holiday you can still take advantage of some great bargains.

You can make your job easier by adding some Google alerts for specific destinations. For example if you are looking for two weeks on the Italian coast, set an alert for “Beach holiday, Italy, special offers”, or “Italy, coast, last minute deals”.

There is a saying within the travel industry, “No one really knows how much a flight costs.” This is so true, and it could be said for booking any type of travel service, holiday package, or accommodation. It is a buyer’s market so go out there and search for the bargains, there is no doubt you will find them.

This tactic also works for weekend breaks, theatre breaks, and for special offers at restaurants, cafes, retailers, and leisure facilities. Get into the habit of looking for offers and deals. It will save you a lot of money, while you are still able to enjoy the best in life.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Watch Out For Email Scams, Phishing Emails And Nasty Viruses!

Sadly, the number of email and social media scams is increasing. Every day we are bombarded with information and it is becoming harder to distinguish between the truth and the lies!

Even the most tech savvy people can be caught out by these terrible schemes. Here are a few that have been doing the rounds that you should be aware of.

Scammers are now becoming more aware of our social networks and the connection’s we have with people on line. As a result, there has been in increase in the number of scams targeting people by pretending to be someone they know.

Emails alerting you of an ‘offline message’ – These are emails which arrive, seemingly from your email provider telling you someone you are close to sent you an offline message. Do not open these emails! Google and Hotmail do not send emails like this out. Invariably, if you click on the link in the email, it will take you to what looks like a login page asking you to log in to your email account. In fact, you are supplying the crooks with your login details! This has happened to thousands of people just in the last few weeks and they have had their email accounts hacked and details stolen.

People have been sent emails purporting to be from their bank, the Inland Revenue, the Police and other official companies and government services. If you are unsure, send the email to the organisation that seems to have sent it, without opening it or clicking on any links inside it. If they really need to contact you, they can do so by letter, or will confirm the validity of the email for you.

Not all emails are scams, but we all must be more aware of them than ever before. On Facebook, the latest scam is to pretend to be an existing friend starting a new account and sending a friend request. Those who accept the friend request then have the same thing done to them. The scammers use it as a way of mining for more information about people and as a way of gathering email addresses and other personal details.

Be careful online!

Do You Check Your Bank And Utility Bill Statements?

Many people do not check the statements they receive from their banks or utility companies. This is a mistake, since computers and companies can often make errors and mistakes that result in us having to pay more. It is always worth checking.

Checking your bank statements is the best way to keep an eye on your expenditure, make sure there are no unauthorised payments coming off, and it’s a great way of keeping your account in the black and avoiding unnecessary bank charges.

You will also see patterns in your spending and be able to make changes towards better budgeting when you see the full statement on how you spent your most recent wage.

Utility companies are notorious for making mistakes and over charging customers. Telephone companies are particularly guilty of this. If you keep a close eye on your call charges, and the breakdown of your calls and the associated costs, you will be able to identify which calls are costing you more, and ways that you can make savings too.

Gas and electricity bills can be much harder to decipher and read. The best advice is to take readings of your own meters and check them against the bills you receive. You will be given a unit cost and the number of units used. Check this calculation is right too. For households that pay monthly direct debits, they still need to keep an eye on things. Often you can be paying an amount each month and not using that amount of energy. By checking your account and statement you are more likely to save money by either spotting mistakes or seeing where you can reduce your regular payments.

The trend towards electronic statements and paperless services has resulted in many people continuing to pay their bills with no clear idea of how much they are being charged or what for! You are entitled to receive your statements by email or on paper free of change. If you are not likely to be checking your email regularly, and many people still don’t, then you can ask for a paper statement to be posted to your address.

Reading Does Not Need To be Expensive!

We’ve received a few emails from parents keen for suggestions on how to encourage their children to read more without having to fork out for expensive books every week.

While this answer may be obvious, the truth is, the best way to encourage children to read for free is to take them to the library. Sadly, increasing numbers of libraries are being closed down, and this is removing wonderful resources that we have traditionally always enjoyed in this country.

The only way to save libraries is to use them! Children can join for free and often this entitles them to around three or four books at a time. In addition, they will have access to all the materials and IT facilities in the library while it is open. Libraries often have free reading groups and children’s clubs or story time sessions for very young children too.

It was World Book Day recently, and another wonderful way of encouraging children to read was by organising a book swap. Generally the schools do this, but you could do a book swap on a much smaller scale with just the families in your street or local community. It would be a wonderful way to share the financial burden of buying books for growing minds. Encouraging your children to share their books and swap with their friends is also a lovely idea, and a way of helping them to read widely, talk about books and learn about making recommendations on their favourite stories.

Reading will help their education, imagination and social skills, so there are no down sides to it. Table top sales, second hand books stores and EBay are also sources of books for little to no money. And you may find some great reads for yourself too.

Imagine A Week In A Country Cottage

Spending part of your summer vacation in a country cottage was once the choice of the middle classes. Now, this option is increasingly the top choice for working families on a budget. It’s an option that is particularly popular amongst families who are not keen on going abroad to spend the obligatory two weeks spit-roasting on the beach!

There are literally thousands of holiday cottages all over England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland that are privately own and run. There are also hundreds of websites listing them, making it easy to book them for your own two weeks of rural heaven.

The average cost for a week’s stay in a two bedroom cottage for a family of four is £300, £75 per head per week. The majority of European hotels will charge that per person per night!

Staying in a country cottage gives you the freedom and comfort of living at a home from home.Many of them allow pets so if you have a dog you don’t need to worry about paying kennel rental fees either. Feeding your family will cost the same as it usually does, and adding a little extra to your budget to cover a few meals out will not hurt given the savings you’ll make on the price of your accommodation.

There are usually bikes to hire and activities to enjoy that are cheap or free, nearby too. It is within a cottage owner’s interests to make these things available and provide guests with information on the leisure activities available to them in the local area.

Start looking now if you are interested in a cottage holiday for you and your family. The best cottages and cheapest bargains get booked up very quickly. Remember that the more popular the area the more expensive it can be, so it’s also worth looking at other areas of the UK that are just as beautiful and welcoming but maybe not so touristy.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Start Planning A Great Summer For Your Kids Now

Daylight savings is nearly upon us once more. This heralds lighter nights, spring, warmer weather and very soon it will be summer time again! Now is the time to start getting organised for summer and arranging some fun activities and holiday leisure time for your children. It needn’t be expensive.

Keep an eye out for events and workshops for kids. They are starting to advertise them now. Many local authorities offer clubs, classes and fun days for children at sports facilities and clubs throughout the summer months.

After a simple search, we found weekends for kids interested in building their own computer games, mountain biking, orienteering, swimming, art classes, bread-baking, painting, pottery and photography, all for the 8 – 14 age groups. Most of them cost less than £5 pounds for the day, and the kids are being encouraged to bring a packed lunch so there’s a saving on lunch money coasts too.

Check local libraries and schools too. Many of them offer free summer clubs and reading clubs. One library we found, is offering places on children’s writing classes with a writer in residence, and these are free.

Children are usually on holiday for around eight weeks during the summer. That is a long time to keep them happy on a budget! And even if you do go on a family holiday, for most families, these are only for one or two weeks in duration, leaving a great deal of time still to fill.

For working families it can be even harder, especially if child care is needed during working hours. Many families make arrangements with aunts and uncles and grandparents. We know of one family where the two sisters have each other’s children for a short two week stay, taking it in turns. This way everyone gets a holiday and no need to pay for expensive child care during the summer.

Start thinking about your plans now so you can get organised and book your kids onto some great activities, arrange for them to stay with family, and make the summer as enjoyable as possible without it all costing a small fortune.

Eating out – Take Advantage Of Offers!

Eating out is a treat and not the norm. In America, families eat out up to four and five times per week, it is part of their culture and food prices in restaurants and diners are much cheaper comparatively than they are here in the UK.

We’re not suggesting that you eat out so many times per week, but we have noticed an increase in the number of offers being promoted by restaurants as a way of attracting customers in. It’s worth keeping an eye out for these offers so you and your family can take advantage of them and enjoy a meal out for much less.

Many of the restaurant chains and other family pubs which serve food are offering great family meal time options. Some have all you can eat buffet tables with a set price for children and adults. There are also a number of family restaurants offering two kid’s meals free when two adult meals are purchased.

A two for one offer at lunch time is increasingly popular, especially amongst the office workers who are looking for a cheap lunch. Generally, these involve choosing from a range of dishes and they include a drink too, for example, burger and chips, or a pasta dish and choice of soft drink or beer.

A simple search online revealed offers for lunch or a family dinner in most towns in the UK can cost as little as £5 per head. While this is not economical if you are buying them every day, it is great as a treat on a family day out or as a change during the weekend.

Look out for offers from independent retailers and coffee shops too. Many of them will offer discounts or free desserts and reduced prices for children.

Keep your eye out on the local press and online. It’s worth following your favourite restaurants and local establishments on social media. This is where the majority of special offers are promoted on a daily basis.

The shocking price of Easter Eggs

The Easter Eggs are for sale in the shops already! Before you buy yours, take a minute to consider whether you are really buying a bargain. We’re not suggesting you don’t get your children an egg this Easter, but it is worth pointing out just how much the price of these seasonal confections has risen in the last two years!

Some Easter egg prices have almost tripled! Now, it may seem that they cost the same, but the packaging and marketing of these chocolate eggs is very clever, and disguising just how expensive they are becoming.

The medium sized Cadbury Eggs like Crème Egg, Flake and Caramel were £1 each in 2010. Last year they were sold at £3. Some shops are selling them at £4 this year, or 3 for £10, so no drop in price there, just another increase! Even Tesco’s own brand chocolate egg has double in price over the last few years. These figures were published last Easter by a consumer survey website, and looking at the prices available this year, very little much has remained at the same price.

In addition, the amount of chocolate is gradually being reduced in all brands. The eggs are not as thick and heavy as they once were, and the packaging is cleverly designed to make the eggs look much bigger than they actually are. Paper is much cheaper than chocolate!

The supermarkets and big chains are bearing the brunt of the blame for the hike in prices, however, there is also some indication that the perceived shortage of coco on the global market is making chocolate much more expensive.

Our advice is to shop around. Check the weight of chocolate you are buying and be careful with offers, they are not always giving you the discount or bargain price that they seem to be.

Mother’s Day On A Budget

Mother’s Day, like many other national celebration days, has turned into a highly commercial occasion. For all of us, there is increasing pressure to spend money on cards, presents, flowers and other specially made ‘Mother’s Day’ gifts. And we will all have noticed how much the prices go up in the weeks leading up to Mother’s Day! For those of us who do want to give your Mums a treat, but who are on a tight budget, here are some great ideas that won’t break the bank.

A note, letter or hand-made card – Your mum will love the personal touch and it will not cost a fortune. The average price of a Mother’s Day card this year has jumped to £4! That may not seem like much, but it adds up when you add a gift, gift bad, flowers, and chocolates etc. And any mother will tell you, a hand written note, or letter from her child will be worth far more, it will be priceless.

Spoil your mum – Give her the day off, properly! If she works in employment on Mothering Sunday, arrange for her to have the day off in advance if you can. If not treat her to a day of relaxation on her first day off. Cook the meals, do all the housework and let her enjoy her own free time in any way she chooses. If you can afford it, take her out for a lovely spring time walk and a quiet lunch.

For our younger readers – clean your room and do your own laundry! This will be a huge help to your mum and it will save her some time she could spend on herself.

Make some of your own ‘Vouchers’ – For example, you could give her vouchers for dusting, hovering, cleaning the bathroom, doing the ironing. Any chore or job around the house that you could help with, turn them into vouchers that your Mum can redeem when she needs a little help. Add some luxury vouchers too, like a bubble bath, or movie night with her friends, breakfast in bed, or a dinner date. The choices are endless.

Give her a gift to start a hobby, but do it with her. You could both enrol at a night class or exercise class. These do not have to be hugely expensive. Some Yoga classes can be as little as £5 for a beginner session. Volunteering is also a great way to spend time with her and take the focus away from money and material items, and instead, turning it toward giving and helping others.

Send her little text messages, funny notes and cool emails all day on Mother’s Day. It will make her smile and feel very loved and special.

There are so many ways to show you care and celebrate Mother’s Day that do not involve walking into a high street store and spending over £50 on impersonal gifts that anyone could buy.


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

How To Make Sure You Don’t Run Out Of Money

For people who are struggling on a low income, this can seem almost impossible. And yet, there are simple things you can do to ensure you don’t run out of money before you are paid. It’s not easy budgeting for an entire month. And for many families, unexpected expenses crop up and it is easy to get into a cycle of being very short of cash in the final week before payday.

It’s common and happens to millions of people who all have different levels of income. So, if it happens to people at all earning levels, what causes this lack of funds as the month draws to a close? Here are some tips to help you stretch your wage right to the end of the month.

Running out of money before the wages come in is not necessarily a sign that you are poor, nor is it a sign that you are very bad with money. It is however, a tell-tale sign that you are not budgeting elsewhere in your financial affairs. The problem is, when we are paid monthly even after all the regular bills are paid, we consider the total amount we are left with. It seems that very rarely do people divide the remaining amount by four to establish their budget for one week. And it’s understandable, family life can result in unexpected expenses, kids need money, and fuel and food need to be purchased. Often bills come in that are not paid monthly and can knock your budget out of synch. However, if you always keep the basic weekly budget in the back of your mind, you will find it much easier to stay within it. If you go slightly over one week, make sure you compensate for it in the following week.

It sounds simple, and it is. By doing this quick calculation when you are paid, you will be able to have a clear idea of what you can spend each week, and then act accordingly. Try it and see how it works for you.

Forgotten Direct Debits Are Costing Us A Fortune!

A recent online money advice article highlighted the issues of forgotten direct debits. It seems that many people often forget about small seemingly insignificant amounts of money that are coming out of their accounts. And it is something we have all done. We may have forgotten a subscription for a magazine or an additional television channel, or subscriptions to mobile apps, online games or even online services. When the amount is just a pound or two it can be easy to forget about it and not notice.

The problem is that all these little direct debits could result in a significant amount of money over a year. And if they are payments going to companies we no longer use, or don’t need, then the money will be better spent elsewhere, or remaining in your pocket.

It’s already a well-known fact that many people do not even look closely at their bank statements. Instead they will simple look at the bottom line and check the last few transactions, or any payments they were expecting.

Our advice is to regular check your bank statement every month. It’s also a good idea to go through your direct debit list and cancel any direct debits that are no longer in use every six months or so. If you start using the company again, you will need to set up another anyway.

In addition, check you iTunes account for recurring payments to apps, and your credit card statement for any payments coming off each month. These may be payments that are for websites and other services that you don’t need any more or may have forgotten about.

If you want to keep the services then continue to pay for them. The point is, why pay companies money when you are not using their products or services? Instead, carefully check what is being taken out of your account and by whom, and if there is any unnecessary expenditure there, you can address it and save the money or use it elsewhere.

A Simple Saving Exercise To Show You How Easy It Is!

This is a simple saving tip that you can try yourself, or you could encourage your children to try it. It’s a great way to learn about saving and an easy way to get started. Saving can seem like an almost impossible task, but in fact, it is much easier than most people imagine. Try this simple tip and see how much you could save in just a month.

Cut back on one thing you buy every day, just one item. It could be a coffee on route to work or your usual purchase at lunchtime. At the supermarket, what do you always buy that often ends up unused or lying at the back of the freezer? Papers, magazines, even subscriptions for services, or casually bought snacks could all be sacrificed for this little experiment.

All these additional items add up to a significant amount of money each year. Choose items that save you just £1 every day. Instead of using that money elsewhere, save it. It will be easy because we all usually have a £1 coin in our wallets and purses.

After one month you will have enough for a takeaway for a family of four.

After two months you will have enough for a day at the beauticians or special meal out.

After three months you will have enough for some new shoes.

After four months you will have enough for an entire outfit.

After five months you will have enough for a nice weekend away.

One of these treats could be yours for just £1 per day!

Try it, first decide what you are saving for, and then get started. And the amazing thing is, once you achieve your goal having saved just £1 a day, you will find it much easier to save a little more each time.

Millions Of Consumers Are Shopping Around

 In a bid to save money on everyday purchases, consumers are increasingly shopping around. Retail loyalty is not as strong as it once was, especially with regard to supermarkets and high street chains. Families who are trying to make their money go further are shopping around, online and in town, so they can find the very cheapest prices on the items they are hoping to buy.

This is great news for the consumer. It is a trend that is encouraging many shops to be far more competitive with their pricing. And while all the big retailers drop their prices to beat the competition, the consumer can benefit.

And there are many more ways that consumers have been changing their behaviour in recent years. A consumer survey has revealed that shoppers are much less likely to ‘go shopping for fun’. Normal working families are increasingly feeling the financial pressure as the cost of living rises and one result of this is that recreational shopping is not the first choice on a Saturday anymore.

In addition, household items that were often bought using credit facilities are now being purcashed with cash. The trend seems to show that families are less confident about accessing store credit, and in many cases, prefer to pay cash for items in sales or from online retailers who are selling goods at a much lower price.

EBay, for example, is enjoying huge popularity, with millions of people buying and selling goods and by-passing the retailers entirely. A healthy economy needs a healthy retail sector, and so this apparent change in the shopping behaviour of the majority of consumers is a strong indicator that the economy is still struggling. However, from a family’s point of view, where the goal is to live as well as possible within the available budget, it makes complete sense that they should be shopping around and only spending their money with retailers that are offering goods at a reasonable price.

The halcyon days of the 80’s when money seemed to be abundant and credit was easy to access, seem to be well in the past. And this may not be a bad thing at all.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

A Fun Night In At No Extra Expense!

Over the last few years, while we have all been struggling to survive the double recession, there have been a number of leisure activities and entertainment options that have grown in popularity. The desire to save money, cut back on expenditure and still enjoy life has encouraged millions of families to identify much cheaper and even free ways to enjoy their leisure time. Here are some of the most popular ways to have fun with no additional expense.

Walking and Cycling – these leisurely sporting activities are hugely popular with people of all ages. Walking is free and even urban areas have lovely walks along rivers, canals and in parks. Cycle hire is extremely inexpensive, so individuals wanting to enjoy a leisurely cycle without the investment of buying a bike can do so very cheaply. Don’t forget that if you are cycling you will need a helmet too.

Evening classes – A course of evening classes at a local adult education college or night school can cost as little as £5 per class. It does depend upon the subject you choose, but the prices are usually extremely reasonable, and many of the courses result in a vocational qualification or certificate. Look out for free taster sessions or classes that have funding in your local area. There are usually local government projects that offer free classes for certain subjects.

A home-made takeaway – This is an idea that was originally started by a well-known TV chef. The idea is to enjoy your favourite take-away food, but instead of buying it, enjoy cooking it instead. While some foods can be expensive to replicate, like Thai or Japanese food, other favourites are extremely cheap. For example, grilled chicken kebabs, pizzas, fried rice, stir fries and pasta dishes can be made for much less than the takeaway price. Make sure you have a great movie to watch on TV while you are enjoying your home-made takeaway.

Enjoy A Trip To the Movies Without Spending A Fortune

The average cost for a family of four to enjoy a film at the cinema is now £60! That is an amount of money which many families are simply unable to spare. £60 makes up a significant part of the weekly budget for the majority of families.

However, we all deserve a treat. And after a hard working week, sometimes it’s important to enjoy some leisure time and get away from the stresses of the week by watching a good film at the cinema.

Here are some methods growing numbers of people are using to make a trip to the movies much cheaper.

Look out for special offers. Most cinemas have discount days or offers for family tickets.

Growing numbers of families are taking a bag of sweets and a small drink for each child with them. The average price for one medium juice, medium popcorn, and one bag of sweets at the cinema is a shocking £9! Yes, the average unit price for most items bought in a cinema is £3. If you have two or three children, this can really add up. It should be noted however, that many cinemas do not permit customers to consume food or beverages bought outside their premises during the showing of a film. Its best check with your cinema and decide on the best course of action.

Another, cheaper option is to take them to a fast food chain like McDonalds or KFC. They offer children’s boxes and smaller cheaper menu options for between £0.99 and £1.70. And your family will be just as happy with a pre-movie trip to their favourite burger or fast food retailer as they will be with expensive popcorn that usually ends up on the floor!

If you are a regular cinema goer, get yourself a loyalty card. Over time these can also give you savings on treats from the popcorn stand, and on tickets to see films.

Is buying organic produce really an expensive option?

Recent consumer surveys highlight a popular belief that organic produce is far more expensive than its non-organic counterpart. This is largely due to the pricing policies of the supermarkets from where the majority of consumers buy their groceries.

However, a growing number of people are sourcing wonderful fresh organic vegetables and meat, straight from farmers, using organic producer networks, farmers markets, and farm shops. While there is still a perception that this option is much more expensive, in most cases this is not true.

There are some companies offering a delivery service of local organic produce. Vegetable and meat boxes  are extremely competitively priced and in many cases, the quality of the produce and the quantity sent, makes it comparable with supermarket prices, if not slightly cheaper.

What are the advantages of buying fresh organic produce direct from a farm supplier?

You are cutting down on the additional costs of packaging, marketing and supermarket overheads.

You are supporting your local economy and local farms by buying locally grown produce.

Organic food is healthier, free of pesticides and chemicals. No genetically modified foods, bleaching agents or chemically treated foods.

Organic, fresh vegetables last longer. How many times have you been annoyed by how quickly your fruit and vegetables from the supermarket spoil?

In a simple study, enough vegetables, eggs and bread for a family of four were purchased from a supermarket and from an organic supplier. The organic supplier was £5 cheaper. Now, while this may not be the case in all parts of the country, the trend is growing and more suppliers are cropping up all over the UK.

Have you noticed that supermarkets always compare their prices with other competing chains, but they are not comparing their prices with the organic producers? That’s because the farmers are often cheaper, and because they say, they can’t compare like with like!

Do some research and find out what local farmers and producers are selling in our area. They will be selling their produce direct to the public either from a farm shop, market or online. You may be surprised by how many cheaper, healthier and fresher alternatives you are able find.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Which Is The Cheaper Option – A Used Car Or A New Car?

This is a question often asked by consumers. At first it may seem that the answer is that a used car is cheaper, but this is not always the case. It is dependent on the type of car you are looking for, how old it is, and upon how you will use it. In truth, the difference in price between new and used cars is not always significant.

Used cars – They are obviously much cheaper than brand new cars. However, if they are more than three years old, you should have a trusted engineer look at it so ensure the engine is in good condition and that it has been properly serviced and maintained. Buying a very old car can cost you in the long run because of the ongoing expense of fixing it and replacing old parts. Unless you are a car enthusiast looking for a truly vintage model, or you are highly knowledgeable about cars, it is not advisable to buy a car over ten years old. Used cars seldom come with warranties. Some may, if you buy them form a dealer, but for individuals who buy cars direct from a previous owner, there will be no warranty protection. Check the mileage of the car too. Often cheaper used cars have much higher mileage figures and this can indicate wear and tear on the engine. You must also make sure the vehicle has not previously been in a car accident. Used cars are not usually available to purchase on finance unless you are buying f
rom a large dealer, in which case the prices may be higher than those found in private sales.

New cars – New cars can be purchased for cash, or on finance. If you are able to get a low percentage finance deal and some money off for a deposit or trade-in on your old car, this can be a frugal option. Brand new cars or cars that are less than two years old will be sold with a warranty if you buy from a dealer. In addition, they will have much lower mileage figures so you will be getting a virtually brand new car at a much cheaper price. Many car enthusiasts believe that cars are at their best when they are about a year old. This can be true, if it has been properly serviced and looked after. A brand new car does not need an MOT until it is three years old. You will receive a warranty with your car as the first owner. This can be anything from one year to five years.

Shop around to find out what the latest deals are.

Start Saving Now For Christmas!

It may seem far too early to think about the festive season, but in fact, now is the perfect time to start saving for the end of year expenses. Here are some simple ways you can save a significant amount of money between now and December.

A coin bank or bottle – Buy a coin bank or jar. There are many shops that sell sealed tins for saving money. Did you know that if you put only pound coins in one of these savings tins, when it’s full, you will have saved over £250! And because they are made as sealed tins, you won’t be able to get the money out easily, so you are more likely to save it.

Open a new savings account – Did you know that putting money into a simple savings account can actually help your credit rating with your bank? Even £10 per week will make a difference and build up to a significant little Christmas fund by early December. That’s 40 weeks, starting today, to save £10, which will come to the grand total of £400.

Start an office swear jar – Working with a group of people can be fun and you can use the proceeds for charity or for a staff party. Every time someone swears at work, they pay a sum into the jar. You will be amazed how quickly it will fill up!

Turn it into a competition for the entire family – Start a family saving competition. Each member of the family gets a jar and they all pledge to save x amount each week. Any additional amounts are added to their score. All coins and money found in trousers, on the floor and under cushions is saved in the finder’s jar, and additional savings can be made in return for chores. E.g. do the dishes, have £1 added t your jar. It’s a great way to teach children the value of earning money, saving money, and taking care of money.

Can Grocery Shopping With A Credit Card Save You Money?

This is a serious question! There have been a number of consumer blogs discussing this subject lately. The conversations are centred on some advice which was posted online recently, suggesting that using a credit card for grocery shopping was a way to save, and even money. While the original article failed to fully qualify this statement, and as a result, caused much heated debated, we have looked at this subject and can share our thoughts.

Don’t ever use a credit card for every day, or regular essential items unless you are absolutely certain you can repay the full amount straight away. If there is any doubt that you will be able to clear the balance before the end of the month in which you make the purchase, don’t do it. It will result in interest charges and ultimately it will cost you more.

If you can afford to repay your credit card balance every month and you have a zero balance and a zero interest credit card deal, then here’s how you can use a credit card to build your credit and your credit rating:

Buy your groceries and fuel on a credit card, and only use it for these purchases, don’t use it for anything else. As soon as you are paid, repay the entire amount in full, before the deadline for interest is applied. If you do this every month, you will see your credit rating go up, your credit level go up, and you will still be spending the same amount of money.

In addition, if you are clever about which credit card you use, you can benefit from some additional benefits. For example, using a supermarket credit card and loyalty card will build you a larger number of points that can be redeemed for goods, which is the equivalent of money saved.

Be extremely careful about using a credit card in this manner. If you are not good with them, or have a track record of not clearing the balance on your card, it is probably not the best idea and could make matters much harder for you.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Should You Take In A Lodger To Make Some Extra Cash?

Recently published articles, online and in the press, have highlighted the increasingly popular trend of taking in a lodger. Many families who have a spare room or ‘granny flat’ are opting to rent the space out to supplement their income.

If you have a spare room in your home, here are some pieces of advice that may help you decide if this is an option for you.

Renting a room or an annex of your home to a lodger can result in an increase in the amount of money you are bringing in on a monthly basis. However, take care to ensure that the rent you are changing will cover the additional electricity and heating that may be used.

Think about the ground rules you will need to set beforehand too. If your lodger is not a close friend or member of the family, will you want them in the living room with you and your family in the evenings? Will it be suitable if you have a young family with a number of children? These are important questions you should consider first.

In addition, if you are in receipt of any welfare benefits, take care. Having a lodger will bring in extra income but it could have a knock-on effect on the money you receive.

If you own your home, then you can decide who stays there. But if you rent or lease your home, you will need to check with the landlord first and get their approval too.

All these points are not designed to put you off the idea. They are simply mentioned to help you make an informed and logical decision that will truly benefit you and your family.

Many successful cases involve taking in close family friends or relatives who want to try living in a new area. If you have an annex, a couple new to the area who are working is a great way to find lodgers who are financially secure.

Renting a room or flat is definitely a fruitful way to add some income, but always make sure you protect yourself, your property and that you get the right advice about leases and standards for rented properties.

Renting Out A Second Property

Families are changing in the 21st Century. Now, it is quite normal for men and women in their forties, with children, to be living on their own after a divorce. Consumer research reveals that increasing numbers of couples who meet and enjoy a second marriage, will have two homes. While some couples may opt to sell both houses and buy a new one, increasingly, they are opting to rent one property and live in the other.

This makes huge financial sense for a number of reasons.They retain ownership of both properties. If there is still a mortgage on the property to be rented, they can use the rental income to cover it and save a little extra in the bank for upkeep and maintenance. This may seem as though they are not making any extra money but they are because they own the rental house, and the mortgage will be paid by someone else!

Many families prefer to own properties instead as a form of retirement savings. The lack of certainty surrounding pensions in recent years has increased the number of people who are using property as an investment for the future.

Second properties can also be extremely useful if they are in a city location. There are many families who keep the second house or flat, and then make it available to older children at university, or who are starting out in life and need a helping hand.

There are so many wonderful stories of single parents who have worked hard to keep their homes. And then they meet a new partner and suddenly, there are two properties in the family! And things are looking much more financially secure all of a sudden.

If this happens to you, or it has happened to you, take your time to discuss the best options for you and your partner, and your children. It may be that keeping both homes will give you an extra income and a valuable nest egg for the future.

Do You Pay For Satellite TV?

We are all aware that television is digital now. However, we have the choice of using Freeview or paying a subscription for a satellite or cable service.

Paying a monthly subscription for satellite or cable television channels can be extremely expensive.

One satellite company, charges almost £90 per month for a package which include all the channels, including movie channels and sports channels. £90 per month equates to £1080 per year. It is a significant sum! However, many families are more than happy to pay it because of the level of choice and home entertainment it gives them. And certainly, in that respect, it is cheaper than a trip to the cinema once a week for a family of four!

If you and your family do not watch a great deal of television, a Freeview option may be the best choice. All you will need to purchase is the box and a suitable television. The number of free channels that are available via Freeview services is always increasing too. A number of consumer forums online are indicating that many people who were once monthly subscribers are moving to the free options to save some money and cut back on additional expense. If you are looking for ways to save money and cut down on monthly bills, this is one that will reduce and save you a helpful amount of money each month.

Subscriptions to online, multi-device services like LoveFilm or Netflix are also increasingly popular. People can choose the films or series they want to watch and on average, the price of the subscription is as little as £5 per month, which is a huge saving when compared to £90 per month.

Shop around and look at all the options available to you. Check the prices given by different providers and look at ways of creating packages of TV, mobile, broadband and telephone that may save you money each month.

Growing Numbers Of People Have More Than One Job

Increasingly, the trend for many people is to have more than one job or source of income. Sadly, the cost of living is making it extremely hard for families to survive on the traditional one wage scenario. Today, it is rare to find a family where only one adult works. In most cases, both parents of a family will have some sort of income or employment, and in some cases, even the older children have a small part time job too.

While this is highly commendable and shows willingness to work for what we have in life, it is also a sad indication of how difficult life has become now. For many families, the pressure of paying bills and making ends meet means that sacrifices have to be made, and in most cases, this sacrifice is time spent together.

Shift work, unusual working patterns and having to attend to different jobs on a daily basis can all take their toll on an individual’s health and well-being. And in most cases, finances do not allow for a change in circumstances.

If you have to work hard at two jobs, then you should congratulate yourself for your hard work and dedication! You are to be praised for the time you are sacrificing for your family to have a secure life. Just don’t forget, that you too need to rest and recuperate. And you also need to feel the benefits and rewards of all your hard work.

Resting as often as you can, enjoying fresh air, exercise and quality time with your loved ones will help you get through a hard working week and deal with the pressures of keeping two jobs. Delegating chores at home will ease the pressure on you when you return. If the whole family shares in everything that needs to be done, you will automatically all have more time together, and you will all be happier too.

Treating Yourself Is Good For You And Not So Bad For Your Bank Balance!

After working hard all month, we all deserve to have a treat. Although it can be difficult to really splash out, research, and studies show that if all we do is work and pay bills, we will quickly become exhausted and sometimes even depressed. Giving yourself a treat is definitely good for your health!

However, it does not need to cost a lot of money. Taking a long walk with a loved one is as much of a treat as a meal out in an expensive restaurant. Thinking of exciting and indulgent treats, without having to resort to always buying something, can be an invigorating and fun experience.

A candle lit bubble bath won’t cost anything but will leave you feeling rejuvenated and wonderful, whether you are male or female. After a hard week, a long soak in a hot bath listening to relaxing music of your choice and just lying back, will ease sore muscles and melt stresses away.

A cosy dinner in front of the TV watching a brilliant movie is another way to have the night off and make the normal routine slightly different. Or you could switch the TV off for a change and read a good book. The quiet tranquillity of enjoying a good book can be hugely beneficial to us. Statistics show that the majority of us spend over 60% of our time looking at a screen whether it is a computer screen, phone, mobile device or television. Give your brain and eyes a rest with a book instead.

How often do you have a proper lazy day? It is not always easy with a young family and varying work commitments. However, if you can, choose a day to spend really relaxing. No housework, no work, nothing but sleeping and relaxing. You can go for a walk, potter in the garden, visit a friend or just spend time on a hobby. These things are so good for us, mentally and physically, and they are much better methods of relaxing and getting away from the tresses of life than heading to the shops and engaging in a huge, expensive spending spree.