Pay Day Loans

Payday loan is a small loan that can be taken out for a limited term.

What Is A Direct Payday Loan

A direct Payday loan comes directly from the provider of the money, rather than from a financial broker.

What Are Advance Payday Loans

An advance Payday loan is the advance of a limited sum from your next pay.

Tips To Find Advance Payday Lenders

Advance UK Payday Loan lenders are advertised in local and national newspapers, magazines, on television, the radio and the internet.

How To Find Leading Payday Loan Companies

Payday loan companies not brokers such as us advertise on billboards, in magazines and newspapers, direct mail, but primarily on the internet.


Monday, 30 September 2013

Money worries can be extremely stressful, but there are solutions which can help you.

Being short of money or worrying about an urgent bill can be very stressful. For many hard working people, emergencies can crop up at any time, and the need for some extra money can add anxiety to an already busy working month. For some, this can even result in sleepless nights. This is especially true for those who are struggling to find an answer to financial worries and so they can make ends meet.

Most of the time however, these situations are temporary, and there are many ways we can tackle the stress of being short of cash. Once way to is set aside a small amount of money each month and start saving an emergency fund. This amount does not have to be large. Even fifty pounds saved per month can make a huge difference in an emergency, especially if you are caught short of cash. And in no time at all, the sum will grow to a significant amount. For example, if you can save just 20 pounds per weeks, every week from now until Christmas, you will have £360. Imagine what you’ll be able to do with that sum in an emergency, or during the month of January, which is traditionally a difficult month for most people after the excesses of Christmas.

By taking control of your daily expenditure, and carefully saving a little each week, or month, you will be able to create an emergency fund that can grow and stay safely untouched, until you need it.

Another way to make your money work better for you is to cut back on unnecessary spending, and to make savings wherever possible. Changing where you do your supermarket shop or slightly changing how you shop can make a huge difference.

Work out a weekly budget for yourself and your family. And then, stick to it. If you can stay within your budget and save the excess, you will be surprised how quickly your savings will grow.

Many people save exactly one quarter of their wages, and every time they are paid they transfer a quarter of the amount straight into a savings account. This is an excellent idea because it becomes a habit, and they get used to coping with the same amount of money each month. Meanwhile their savings grow and grow!

If you find yourself with serious financial worries, it is best to get some expert advice on how to handle it, this is particularly important if you are in debt. As soon as you can, consider saving some money every time you are paid.

If you are not worried about debt, and you are simply caught short in an emergency, you can always consider a short term Payday loan to access the funds you need. Short term loans are simple to apply for and if your application is successful, you can have the cash you need sent to your account within hours.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Access the emergency money you need and let go of stress!

Sudden financial emergencies can make everything feel worrisome and stressful. It is especially difficult if you have urgent financial needs and are unable to access the funds that you need. One way that many families deal with these types of situation is to apply for a short term payday loan.

Payday loans are short term cash advances which are borrowed for a very short time and then repaid in full when the borrower is next paid by their employer. If you are experiencing a financial emergency, and you know you can afford it, then a short term payday loan may be an option that you can consider.

This form of short term borrowing is not the perfect solution for everyone however. If you have serious financial difficulties and longer term debt problems, this form of loan is not recommended. It is purely for short term use and all borrowers should think very carefully before committing to this type of loan.

For employed people, who have a regular income and an active UK bank account, it can be an option. Care should always be taken to calculate how much the loan will cost and whether you can afford to repay the full amount when you are next paid however.

Do not fall into a situation where you find you are unable to repay the full amount by the prescribed date; this can be when this type of loan becomes very costly. Always remember that they are designed to be very short term and therefore if you want to consider applying for this type of loan, you should make sure you can repay it in full when on the specified date.

By carefully considering the costs and making sure this is the best option for you, if you do experience a sudden financial emergency and find yourself short of cash, a payday loan is an excellent way to access the funds you need. You can get your loans quickly, simply and within a minimum of time needed to make the application.

Saving money every month will help build your finances, and make your money go further

Although financial pressures can make life difficult, and sometimes we can struggle to cover all our expenses with one month’s wage, wherever possible, it is always sensible to save a little each month if we can.

Most households do not manage to save money on a regular basis; this is according to recently released statistics on the subject. It is unfortunate, because saving can help families to feel more in control of their finances and they can also help when financial emergencies crop up.

Many families will find that their money is beginning to run out well before the end of the month, or when they are next due to be paid.Sadly, this is a financial problem that leads them into a cycle of struggling and often it can result in debt problems which in return can cause an extremely insecure financial future for the entire family.

By simply being strict with yourself and doing a little bit of cutting back on your spending, you will be able to keep some cash every week, or month, and save it instead. Even as little as fifty pounds per week can make a huge difference to your savings and will very quickly build up to a significant sum!

Many families are working hard to reduce their monthly outgoings by cutting back on unnecessary expenses, reducing the costs of regular bills by finding better deals, and they are also making savings at the supermarket and in other shops where they buy their regular purchases. All these things are making huge in-roads into their money and making it last much longer.

One family told us that in just eight weeks, they had managed to save over four hundred pounds. They were amazed that they had done it and they were motivated by how simple and easy it actually was to achieve such a significant amount in such a short space of time. The really good news was that they said they did not notice any change in what they were buying and that they didn’t feel as though they were scrimping on anything. This is the very essence of cutting back, being careful and being determined to save.

Good luck with your savings plans! Tell us how you get on and what you achieve.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Don’t let worries about your finances affect your health!

Stress is a killer. This is a scientific fact and something any doctor or medical practitioner will confirm for you. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to live a completely stress free life, especially where money is concerned.

Money worries are a real issue for millions of families in the UK. Even people who are employed, and earning a decent living, have to work hard to make ends meet, pay the bills and keep debt at bay.

We don’t have any miracle cures for you, we wish we did, but, we’ve been talking to our team and to some customers and asking for tips on coping better with financial stress. We’ve realised, after years of helping people who are experiencing huge stress in a financial emergency, that there are ways to cope with stress that can make dealing with any problem just that bit easier to do.

Financial problems are the biggest source of stress for a huge majority of UK families. It can cause sleepless nights, dietary problems and as a result, could even have longer term health effects.

One thing is certain, endless worrying will not make a problem go away, nor will it help to tackle it. First thing to do is take a little time out and rest your mind from worry. A walk or a quick breather in the fresh air will help. Then take some time to jot down the problems. By doing this you can break them down into easier to manage ‘little steps’.

Keeping your paperwork properly filed and tidy can help you to stay in control too. Call any companies and arrange for more time or negotiate smaller regular payments. Another thing you can do is try to get your family to help, it should not all be on only one person’s shoulders.

These are all simple suggestions, and while they won’t be suitable for everyone, the overall message is to take your time, and consider your options so you can stay calm, don’t be tempted topanic; this is what causes the stress.

Getting your situation under control by informing yourself and giving yourself the space and time to make decisions will help you feel in charge and that will reduce stress. Stress comes when we feel powerless to make changes and can’t see an answer. The help is available, you have the power to turn things around and by facing it and saying no to stress, you will do it much quicker than you ever imagined!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Now is the time to start saving for the winter months

It may seem too soon, especially when most kids are still on summer holidays, and we’re not properly into autumn as yet, but now is the perfect time to be saving for the coming winter months.
Winter is always the most expensive time of year. Although any time of the year can be costly, depending on our lifestyle and income, winter is always more expensive because energy bills go up, we spend even more time in our cars and Christmas is the single most expensive time of year for everyone.

To prepare yourself for the winter ahead, and to get the most from the money you earn, now is the perfect time to start saving. By putting a fixed sum away every month, you’ll be able to budget for Christmas and avoid last minute attempts to access credit in order to give your family a good festive season.

No-one knows whether we’ll have a mild winter or whether we will have the icy chill of previous years. Be ready to cover larger heating bills by stashing some extra cash now.

Here are some simple tips to help you save some extra money over the next five months so you can start December feeling more in control of your finances.

Stick to a strict budget for all your weekly expenses, and save all the money you would normally spend. Likewise, cut back on any expenditure which is not necessary for a few months, like coffees and lunches in town – why not take a flask and a packed lunch just for a few months? On average, working people spend fifty pounds per week on coffees, sandwiches, sweets and snacks while they are at work. There are 15 weeks until December.

£50 per week x 15 = £750

That’s nearly £1000! And you could save it simply by cutting down on buying drinks and snacks during the day.

This is just a simple example, but what we’re trying to illustrate is how easy it is so save a little, and how quickly it adds up to a lot. We know life isn’t always easy, and we understand how difficult it can be to make ends meet, that’s why Payday loans are available, so people can access the emergency cash when they need it. However, if you can save now, you’ll be sitting on a fantastic little nest egg this coming Christmas, so you and your family really can deck the halls and have a wonderful time!

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Getting ready for back to school!

It’s still summer time and the schools are still on holiday but we’re sure you will have noticed the appearance of back to school clothes and equipment already. Not to worry, if you’ve been following our blog lately, you’ll be ready for this additional expense after having saved some extra cash over recent months.

Whatever the needs, saving a little extra can really help you to deal with those additional expenses that crop up. And they seem to crop up on a regular basis at time too!

By putting aside a little cash every month, you can very quickly build up a little nest-egg of emergency money that you’ll be able to use when you need it.

Try and think a little in advance too so that you can budget ahead for shopping that you may have to do. School uniforms, road tax, monthly bills, they are all expensive and can be a significant percentage of our regular wage. Instead of struggling, to make ends meet, by putting a little aside every month and cutting back on unnecessary expenses, you’ll have the extra you need.

Payday loans are a good way to access emergency cash when you are short. But remember, they are not a form of credit which is there to let you go shopping. This is a type of credit which is for accessing cash in a real emergency, until you are next paid. Be careful and consider all your options before you borrow money on a short term basis.

Calculate how much you can afford to repay and then work out what you can comfortably borrow. Look for the best, most trusted lender, and make sure you complete the application carefully and accurately. A good lender will require proof of id and employment, a current UK bank account and proof of your address. If you provide all this, and are eligible, you could access emergency cash within an hour.

Getting into the habit of making our wages last a little longer, can help when times are tough.

Here in DoshDelivery HQ, we’re always happy to hear from satisfied clients, especially when they let us know they are happy with the service! It’s also really helpful when they tell us why they borrowed the money and how it helped them. Here are some examples we have received recently…

One lady in the south of England was caught short in an emergency while she was on a short break with her finance in Scotland. They were really stuck, but knew they would be getting in paid in two weeks. Fortunately, they knew exactly what to do. Having taken out a loan previously, and paid it off fully, they wasted no time in getting back in touch and applying for a quick £300 to help them get back home. Within the hour it was all sorted and two weeks later, this second loan was repaid in full. Fantastic! We are glad we were able to help.

One gentleman who got in touch told us he was having some unexpected trouble with his car, and he needed it to get to work urgently. No car, no wage! So, he calculated how much he needed to get his car back on the road, and he applied for a short term Payday loan to help him until his next wage. Needless to say he was back to normal and driving to and from work in no time at all, as a result of his short term loan. We’re pleased to have been able to help him.

There are so many stories like this we get from satisfied clients, we could go on all day, but we won’t. We just wanted to share a few examples of why people borrow Payday loans. There is a myth that it is only people who are struggling with debt who turn to short term finance, but that is just not the case. In fact, we always advise that if there are longer term debt worries, a payday loan is not the best solution and further financial advice should be sought.

The decision to borrow money is a serious one, it should not be rushed into and consideration should be given to levels of income and any existing debts first.

When you find yourself strapped for cash and need to borrow some short term money, think carefully about how much you need, whether you can wait until you are paid, and if you can’t, make sure you can afford to repay the loan on the repayment date. IN this way, you’ll get the best of a Payday loan, and it will be a form of credit you can rely on to help you in a crisis.

Today, we hear from successful borrowers about all the reasons they had to take out a Payday loan.

Here in DoshDelivery HQ, we’re always happy to hear from satisfied clients, especially when they let us know they are happy with the service! It’s also really helpful when they tell us why they borrowed the money and how it helped them. Here are some examples we have received recently…

One lady in the south of England was caught short in an emergency while she was on a short break with her finance in Scotland. They were really stuck, but knew they would be getting in paid in two weeks. Fortunately, they knew exactly what to do. Having taken out a loan previously, and paid it off fully, they wasted no time in getting back in touch and applying for a quick £300 to help them get back home. Within the hour it was all sorted and two weeks later, this second loan was repaid in full. Fantastic! We are glad we were able to help.

One gentleman who got in touch told us he was having some unexpected trouble with his car, and he needed it to get to work urgently. No car, no wage! So, he calculated how much he needed to get his car back on the road, and he applied for a short term Payday loan to help him until his next wage. Needless to say he was back to normal and driving to and from work in no time at all, as a result of his short term loan. We’re pleased to have been able to help him.

There are so many stories like this we get from satisfied clients, we could go on all day, but we won’t. We just wanted to share a few examples of why people borrow Payday loans. There is a myth that it is only people who are struggling with debt who turn to short term finance, but that is just not the case. In fact, we always advise that if there are longer term debt worries, a payday loan is not the best solution and further financial advice should be sought.

The decision to borrow money is a serious one, it should not be rushed into and consideration should be given to levels of income and any existing debts first.

When you find yourself strapped for cash and need to borrow some short term money, think carefully about how much you need, whether you can wait until you are paid, and if you can’t, make sure you can afford to repay the loan on the repayment date. IN this way, you’ll get the best of a Payday loan, and it will be a form of credit you can rely on to help you in a crisis.