Pay Day Loans

Payday loan is a small loan that can be taken out for a limited term.

What Is A Direct Payday Loan

A direct Payday loan comes directly from the provider of the money, rather than from a financial broker.

What Are Advance Payday Loans

An advance Payday loan is the advance of a limited sum from your next pay.

Tips To Find Advance Payday Lenders

Advance UK Payday Loan lenders are advertised in local and national newspapers, magazines, on television, the radio and the internet.

How To Find Leading Payday Loan Companies

Payday loan companies not brokers such as us advertise on billboards, in magazines and newspapers, direct mail, but primarily on the internet.


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Make Sure You Have Enough Money During the Holidays!

Summer is well and truly here, the kids are off school and the sun is out! Many of us are thinking about heading off on holiday now. Whether you are going off toward sun, sea and sand abroad, or whether you are planning to enjoy the best of what Britain has to offer, it’s always best to make sure you have enough money to see you through while you are away form home.

Running out of cash when you are on holiday and away from home can put a real dampener on things! So, it’s best to be prepared and organised with some spare cash for just in case. Holidays always prove to be more expensive than we anticipated.

Being away from home and nowhere near your own bank to arrange for extra cash can be difficult. Knowing you have some spare in case you need it will put your mind at rest. If you find you do need emergency cash while you are away, don’t panic.

One option, if you need to consider it, is to get yourself online and speak to us here at DoshDelivery. We can help you out with a short term loan if you are stuck away from home and need some money.

As long as you meet the criteria of being a UK citizen, in employment in the UK and have an active bank account and home address here, you can apply, wherever you are!

Take care while you are on holiday, take the amount of cash you think you will need and then take a little extra emergency money too. Then, if you do experience an emergency while you are away, and need some help, a short term payday loan is always there for you to consider as an option.

Have a great summer!

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Saving a Little Every Month Can Make a Huge Difference to Your Finances

While life is financially tough and most of us are struggling to make ends meet, the idea of saving money on a regular basis seems practically impossible. The average working household, according to statistics, does not manage to save money. Most families find the money starting to run out before the end of the month! But this is a cycle which can lead to debt problems and an insecure financial future. Wherever possible, cutting back on spending and saving as much as you can will stand you in good stead and keep the wolf from the door.

According to the feedback we receive, most families are busy cutting back on their expenditure in any way they can. Reducing fuel bills, car-sharing, selling off old unwanted items. These are all options people are choosing to save money or bring a little extra into the household.

Even simple things like conserving your electricity by being careful with usage and buying slightly cheaper produce can make a real difference to how far your regular wage goes.

Short term Payday loans can be a really useful option for people who are experiencing a financial emergency. However, care must always be taken that you only borrow money if you are sure you can afford to repay it. A short term loan is not designed for propping up or dealing with a serious financial problem or regular shortfall in your earnings. Using any type of credit to cover debts or supplement regular income this could cause financial difficulties further down the line.

Always consider your options and do all you can to save money regularly. Then if you do need cash suddenly, you will have a little emergency pot you can fall back on.